Identify the correct statement regarding A and B [types of concentric vascular bundles] in the given diagram:

1. A is Amphivasal and found in Dracaena while B is amphicribal and found in Selaginella
2. A is Amphivasal and found in Selaginella while B is amphicribal and found in Dracaena
3. A is Amphicribal and found in Dracaena while B is amphivasal and found in Selaginella
4. A is Amphicribal and found in Selaginella while B is amphivasal and found in Dracaena

Subtopic:  Vascular Tissue System |

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Vascular bundles are continuous from the root to the stem, but different arrangements are found in two cases. What would be true for this arrangement?

1. In the stem they are collateral with endarch xylem while in the root they are radial with exarch xylem

2. In the stem they are collateral with exarch xylem while in the root they are radial with endarch xylem

3. In the stem they are radial with endarch xylem while in the root they are collateral with exarch xylem

4. In the stem they are radial with exarch xylem while in the root they are collateral with endarch xylem

Subtopic:  Vascular Tissue System |

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If you look at the section of a three year old eudicot stem, the vascular bundles will show:
1. 3 rings of xylem and 3 of phloem.
2. 2 rings of xylem and 1 of phloem.
3. 2 rings of xylem and 3 of phloem.
4. 3 rings of xylem and 1 of phloem.

Subtopic:  Vascular Tissue System |

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