The xylem tissue in gymnosperms lacks:
1. Tracheids
2. Vessels
3. Xylem fibers
4. Xylem parenchyma

Subtopic:  Complex Tissue: Xylem |

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In stems:

1. the primary xylem is endarch with protoxylem towards the center and metaxylem towards the periphery
2. the primary xylem is endarch with metaxylem towards the center and protoxylem towards the periphery
3. the primary xylem is exarch with protoxylem towards the center and metaxylem towards the periphery
4. the primary xylem is exarch with metaxylem towards the center and protoxylem towards the periphery
Subtopic:  Complex Tissue: Xylem |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.