All the following regarding collenchyma tissue in plants are correct except:

1.  It occurs below the epidermis of stem and leaves in most monocots
2.  It is found either as a homogenous layer or in patches
3.  Cells are much thickened at the corners
4.  Intercellular spaces are absent
Subtopic:  Simple Tissue: Chollenchyma & Sclerenchyma |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

All the following regarding sclerenchyma tissue in plants are correct except:
1. Cells have thick lignified walls
2. Cells are usually dead and without protoplasts
3. It provides mechanical support to plant organs
4. It can assimilate food when it contains chloroplasts

Subtopic:  Simple Tissue: Chollenchyma & Sclerenchyma |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.