Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
1. Pericarp Wall of the fruit
2. Perisperm Residual, persistent nucellus
3. Perigynous A flower with superior ovary
4. Perianth Floral structure comprised of calyx and corolla especially when the two whorls are fused
Subtopic:  Fruits & their Types |
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Please attempt this question first.

Identify the correct features of Mango and Coconut fruits.

(i) In both, fruit is a drupe.
(ii) Endocarp is edible in both.
(iii) Mesocarp in Coconut is fibrous, and in Mango, it is fleshy.
(iv) In both, the fruit develops from the monocarpellary ovary.

Select the correct option from below :
1. (i), (iii) and (iv) only
2. (i), (ii) and (iii) only
3. (i) and (iv) only
4. (i) and (ii) only 

Subtopic:  Fruits & their Types |
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Which one of the following fruits is parthenocarpic?

1. Apple 2. Jackfruit
3. Banana 4. Brinjal
Subtopic:  Fruits & their Types |

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Consider the given two statements:
I. Parthenocarpy is the equivalent of parthenogenesis in animals.
II. Parthenocarpy is the natural or artificially induced production of fruit without fertilisation of ovules
1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
2. Both I and II are correct but II does not explain I
3. I is correct but II is incorrect
4. I is incorrect but II is correct

Subtopic:  Fruits & their Types |
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Match the followings and choose the correct option :

Group A Group B
A. Aleurone layer i. without fertilization
B. Parthenocarpic fruit ii. Nutrition
C. Ovule iii. Double fertilization
D. Endosperm iv. Seed


1. i ii iii iv
2. ii i iv iii
3. iv ii i iii
4. ii iv i iii
Subtopic:  Fruits & their Types | Seed |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.