The ovary is said to be half inferior and the flower is called perigynous in all of the following plants except:
1. Rose 2. Plum
3. Peach 4. China rose

Subtopic:  Parts of Flower: III |

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The mode of arrangement of petals is not ‘twisted’ in:
1. China rose 2. Lady’s finger
3. Calotropis 4. Cotton
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower: I |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Identify the incorrect statement/s:
Statement I: Stamens are epipetalous in the flowers of lily.
Statement II: Diadelphous stamen are seen in citrus.
Statement III: A sterile stamen is called as staminate.
1.  Only Statement I and Statement II
2.  Only Statement III
3.  Statement I, Statement II and Statement III
4.  Only Statement I and Statement III
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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When the ovules are borne on central axis and septa are absent, the type of placentation is called as:
1. free central and is seen in Dianthus and Primrose
2. free central and is seen in Sunflower and Marigold
3. basal and is seen in Dianthus and Primrose
4. basal and is seen in Sunflower and Marigold
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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The type of placentation seen in Pea is called as:
1. Marginal 2. Axile
3. Parietal 4. Basal
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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The fruit in coconut:
1. is a berry with a fibrous epicarp
2. is a drupe with a fibrous mesocarp
3. is an aril with a fibrous endocarp
4. is a samara with a fibrous mesocarp
Subtopic:  Fruits & their Types |

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Consider the given two statements:
Statement I: A proteinaceous material, usually in the form of small granules, occurring in the outermost cell layer of the endosperm of wheat and other grains are called as aleurone layer. 
Statement II: The radical in a monocot seed is enclosed in a sheath called as coleoptiles.
1. Statement I is correct and statement II is incorrect
2. Statement I is incorrect and statement II is correct
3. Statement I and statement II are incorrect
4. Statement I and statement II are correct
Subtopic:  Seed |

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In a floral formula, the symbols K and G represent
1. Calyx and superior ovary respectively
2. Calyx and inferior ovary respectively
3. Corolla and inferior ovary respectively
4. Corolla and superior ovary respectively
Subtopic:  Semi Technical Description |

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In a floral formula, P3+3 A3+3 G(3) would mean:
1. 6 undifferentiated tepals in two whorls of three, the same number and arrangement of stamens, and an inferior ovary with 3 free carpels
2. 6 undifferentiated tepals in two whorls of three, the same number and arrangement of stamens, and a superior ovary with 3 fused carpels
3. 6 undifferentiated petals in two whorls of three, the same number and arrangement of stamens, and an inferior ovary with 3 free carpels
4. 6 undifferentiated petals in two whorls of three, the same number and arrangement of stamens, and a superior ovary with 3 fused carpels
Subtopic:  Semi Technical Description |

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The given floral formula describes the members of family:
1. Solanaceae 2. Brassicaceae
3. Anacardiaceae 4. Orchidaceae
Subtopic:  Semi Technical Description |

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