In Cycas:

I. Micro sporophylls bear two elongated sac like structures at the base on the ventral side called pollen sacs.
II. Pollen grains are winged.
III. Megasporophylls are compact when young but spread apart when mature.
IV. Each megasporophyll has (a) bract scale and (b) ovuliferous scale which bears 2 ovules on the ventral side.

1. Only I, II and III are correct
2. Only I, III and IV are correct
3. Only II, III and IV are correct
4. I, II III and IV are correct

Subtopic:  Examples of Gymnosperms |

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The diagram below shows:

1. Female strobilus of Cycas
2. Male strobilus of Cycas
3. Female strobilus of Pinus
4. Male strobilus of Pinus

Subtopic:  Examples of Gymnosperms |

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