Strobili or cones are found in:

1. Pteris 2. Marchantia
3. Equisetum 4. Salvinia

Subtopic:  Pteridophytes |
NEET - 2020
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Which of the following pairs is of unicellular algae?

1. Gelidium and Gracilaria
2. Anabaena and Volvox
3. Chlorella and Spirulina
4. Laminaria and Sargassum
Subtopic:  Algae |
NEET - 2020
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Porphyra, Sargassum and Laminaria are all:
I. brown algae
II. marine edible algae
1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect

Subtopic:  Algae |

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The correct description of zoospores involved in asexual reproduction in most brown algae will be:
1. Biflagellate, pear-shaped, lateral unequal flagella
2. Biflagellate, pear-shaped, apical equal flagella
3. Biflagellate, lens-shaped, lateral unequal flagella
4. Biflagellate, lens-shaped, apical equal flagella

Subtopic:  Pheophyceae: Brown Algae |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Gemmae are present in:

1. Some Gymnosperms 2. Some Liverworts
3. Mosses 4. Pteridophytes
Subtopic:  Bryophytes (Liverworts) |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

An important feature of bryophytes is that the embryonic development of the zygote takes place in the:

1. Sporangium 2. Archegonium
3. Protonema 4. Antheridium
Subtopic:  Bryophytes | Bryophytes (Liverworts) | Bryophytes (Anthoceropsida) |

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Which of the following is not true for the green alga Spirogyra?
1. Unbranched, filamentous and commonly found in stagnant fresh water bodies.
2. The filament is composed of large number of long, cylindrical cells placed one above the other in a single row.
3. The cells are characterised by long spiral ribbon-shaped chloroplasts with several pyrenoids.
4. There are multiple small vacuoles in each cell.

Subtopic:  Chlorophyceae: Green Algae |

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In contrast to conifers, gnetophytes produce:
1. Simple pollen strobili and simple seed strobili
2. Simple pollen strobili and compound seed strobili
3. Compound pollen strobili and simple seed strobili
4. Compound pollen strobili and compound seed strobili

Subtopic:  General Accounts of Gymnosperms: II |

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Sphagnum can be distinguished from mosses by all the following characteristics except:
1. The stem has no rhizoids
2. Leaves have green and hyaline cells
3. The sex organs do not limit the indefinite growth of the main axis
4. The capsule is borne on seta

Subtopic:  Bryophytes |

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A species of red algae has been discovered near Bahamas at a depth of more than 260 m. This unusual feat is possible because this alga:

1. lacks pigmentation and functions heterotrophically as parasite on other plants
2. has significant amount of phycoerythrin in addition to chlorophyll a and d
3. unlike other red algae has flagellated gametes
4. it has large number of root like rhizoids enabling it to attach to a deep substratum
Subtopic:  Rhodophyceae: Red Algae and Importance of Algae |

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