The earliest land plants lacked true roots. What may have enabled them the most to colonize land?

1. Symbiotic associations with fungi
2. Prostrate thalloid body
3. Motile antherozoids capable of reaching the egg through water
4. Parasitic and saprophytic modes of nutrition

Subtopic:  Gymnosperms |

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Charophytes are the only living algae that share distinctive derived traits with land plants that other algae don’t. All the following will be examples of such derived traits except:
1. Rings of cellulose-synthesizing proteins
2. Structure of flagellated sperms
3. Formation of a phragmoplast
4. Presence of chlorophyll a and b

Subtopic:  Chlorophyceae: Green Algae: I |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

In the given diagram of the green alga Chara, the parts labeled A and B respectively are called :


1. Nucule and Globule
2. Globule and Nucule
3. Antheridium and Archegonium
4. Archegonium and Antheridium

Subtopic:  Chlorophyceae: Green Algae: I |

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In the life cycle of a moss, the sporphytic generation is represented by all the following except:

1. Oospore 2. Spore
3. Sporogonium 4. Spore mother cell
Subtopic:  Bryophytes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Aplanogametes [gametes that do not have flagella] are the special features of:
1. Spirogyra and Zygnema
2. Spirogyra and Vaucheria
3. Ulothrix and Zygnema
4. Chlamydomanas and Ulothrix

Subtopic:  Algae |

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Match each item in column I with one in Column II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Green alga


A. Chlamydomanas

a. Spiral chloroplasts

B. Volvox

b. Coenobium with two kinds of cells

C. Hydrodictyon

c. Palmella stage

D. Spirogyra

d. Non motile colony


1. a d b c
2. a b c d
3. c b a d
4. c d a b
Subtopic:  Chlorophyceae: Green Algae |

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The term ‘seaweeds’ is used to describe several macroscopic, multicellular marine algal species belonging to:

I. Chlorophyceae
II. Phaeophyceae
III. Rhodophyceae

1. I and II only 2. I and III only
3. II and III only 4. I, II and III
Subtopic:  Algae |

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Match each item in Column I with one in Column II and select the correct answer from the codes given:

Column I

Column II

A. Floridean starch

a. It is created by photosynthesis and is made up of β(1→3)-glucan with β(1→6)-branches

B. Laminarin

b. An α-linked glucose polymer with a degree of branching intermediate between amylopectin and glycogen

C. Mannitol

c. A sugar alcohol, an isomer of sorbitol


1. a b c
2. a c b
3. b a c
4. c b a
Subtopic:  Pheophyceae: Brown Algae | Rhodophyceae: Red Algae and Importance of Algae | Chlorophyceae: Green Algae |

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In the given diagram of Funaria, what are A, B, C and D respectively?

1. Sporophyte, Gametophyte, Female branch, Male branch
2. Gametophyte, Sporophyte, Female branch, Male branch
3. Sporophyte, Gametophyte, Male branch, Female branch
4. Gametophyte, Sporophyte, Male branch, Female branch

Subtopic:  Bryophytes (Liverworts) |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


The given diagram shows:

1. Male thallus of Marchantia
2. Female thallus of Marchantia
3. Sphagnum sporophyte
4. Sphagnum gametophyte
Subtopic:  Bryophytes (Liverworts) |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.