Dolipore septum and clamp connections are features seen in the members of the fungal class:
1. Ascomycetes
2. Phycomycetes
3. Basidiomycetes
4. Deuteromycetes

Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Basidomycetes |

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The given diagram shows the life cycle of:


1. Puccinia graminis tritici with A part representing the stages in wheat plant and B part representing the stages in Barberry plant
2. Puccinia graminis tritici with A part representing the stages in Barberry plant and B part representing the stages in wheat plant
3. Ustilago tritici with A part representing the stages in wheat plant and B part representing the stages in Barberry plant
4. Ustilago tritici with A part representing the stages in Barberry plant and B part representing the stages in wheat plant

Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Basidomycetes |

To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.
