A symbiotic relation between fungi and the roots of higher plants is called as:

1. Lichen 2. Mycorrhiza
3. Amensal 4. Proto-cooperation
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Deuteromycetes | Kingdom Fungi: Zygomycetes | Kingdom Fungi: Ascomycetes | Kingdom Fungi: Basidomycetes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Members of phycomycetes are found

I. In aquatic habitats
II. On decaying wood
III. In moist and damp places
IV. As obligate parasites on plant

Choose from the following options:

1. None of the above 2. I and IV
3. II and III 4. All of the above
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Zygomycetes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Which of the following is not true for fungi belonging to the class phycomycetes?

1. Aseptate and coenocytic mycelium
2. Spores endogenously produced in sporangium
3. Asexual reproduction by nonmotile zoospores or motile aplanospores
4. Found in aquatic habitats, decaying wood or as obligate parasites on plants
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Zygomycetes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.
