Increased yield of crop during the green revolution was due to:
I. Use of improved crop varieties
II. Use of better management practices
III. Use of agrochemicals [fertilisers and pesticides]
1. Only I 2. Only I and III
3. Only I and II 4. I, II and III
Subtopic:  Intro to Agri Applications |

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All the following are possible today with the use of GM crops except:
1. More tolerance to abiotic stresses
2. Alternative resources to industries
3. Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
4. Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
Subtopic:  Intro to Agri Applications |

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GM crops have been modified with various traits. Golden rice has been developed by the International Rice Research Institute for:

1. Improved shelf life 2. Disease resistance
3. Herbicide resistance 4. Improved nutritional value

Subtopic:  Other GM Crops |

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A protoxin is:

1. A primitive toxin 2. A denatured toxin
3. Toxin produced by protozoa 4. Inactive toxin
Subtopic:  Bt Crops |

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The trigger for activation of toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis is:

1. Acidic pH of stomach
2. High temperature
3. Alkaline pH of gut
4. Mechanical action in the insect gut

Subtopic:  Bt Crops |

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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains have been used to design novel:

1. Biofertilizers 2. Biometallurgic techniques
3. Biomineralization processes 4. Bioinsecticidal plants
Subtopic:  Bt Crops |

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Why does the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis not affected by the toxins produced by it that can kill arthropods?

1. The toxin inactivated by proteins in the bacterial cells.
2. The bacterial cell does not have organelles and thus it is harmless.
3. It is produced as a pro-toxin by the bacterium.
4. The protein needs post-transcriptional modification possible only in eukaryotic cells.

Subtopic:  Bt Crops |

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Corn borer can be controlled by the proteins encoded by Bacillus thuringiensis gene:

1. cryIAb 2. cryIAc
3. cryIIAb 4. cryIIIAc
Subtopic:  Bt Crops |

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A transgenic tobacco plant was created to make it resistant to:
1. a nematode, Meloidogyne incognita.
2. a nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans.
3. a trematode, Clonorchis sinensis.
4. a cestode, Taenia sloium.
Subtopic:  Interference RNA Tech |

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RNAi, as a mechanism of cellular defense, takes place in:

1. All bacteria 2. All unicellular organisms
3. All plants only 4. All eukaryotic organisms
Subtopic:  Interference RNA Tech |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.