NCERT textbook says that plant growth is unique. What is the character of plant growth being referred to?
1. Plants have a closed growth
2. Capacity of unlimited growth throughout life
3. Complete absence of growth after a certain age
4. Growth without development

Subtopic:  Growth | Growth Model |

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All the following contribute to an increase in girth of dicots and gymnosperms except:

1. Apical meristem 2. Lateral meristems
3. Vascular cambium 4. Cork-cambium
Subtopic:  Growth | Growth Model | Growth Terminology |

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Match Column I [phase of growth] and Column II [cell characteristics] and choose the correct answer from the codes given:

Column I Column II
A. Meristematic a. Increased vacuolation, new cell wall deposition
B. Elongation b. Thin cellulosic wall with abundant plasmodesmatal connections
C. Maturation c. Maximal wall thickening


1. a b c
2. b c a
3. b a c
4. c b a
Subtopic:  Growth | Development |

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Identify the incorrect statement regarding the arithmetic growth?

1. Following mitosis, both daughter cells continue to divide
2. Can be exemplified by root elongating at a constant rate
3. On plotting the length of the organ against time, a linear curve is obtained
4. Mathematically it is expressed as Lt=L0+rt
Subtopic:  Growth | Growth Terminology |

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The shape of the growth curve characteristic of a living organism growing in natural environment is:

1. Linear 2. Sigmoid
3. Hyperbola 4. Bell shaped
Subtopic:  Growth Terminology |

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Plant growth and further development is intimately linked to water status of the plant because:
A. Turgidity of cells helps in extension growth
B. It provides medium for enzymatic activity
1. Both A and B are correct                             
2. Only A is correct
3. Only B is correct                                         
4. Both A and B are incorrect

Subtopic:  Growth | Growth Terminology |

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Select the correct statements based on the information shown below in the diagrammatic representation of location of root apical meristem, shoot apical meristem and vascular cambium where the arrows exhibit the direction of growth of cells and organs:
Statement I: The root apical meristem and the shoot apical meristem are responsible for the primary growth of the plants and principally contribute to the elongation of the plants along their axis.
Statement II: In dicots and gymnosperms, the lateral meristems, vascular cambium and cork-cambium appear later in life and cause the increase in the girth of the organs in which they are active.

1. Both Statement I and Statement II
2. Only Statement I
3. Only Statement II
4. Neither Statement I nor Statement II
Subtopic:  Differentiation, Dedifferentiation and Redifferentiation |

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The optimum temperature range for proper growth in most plants is:

1. \(0^\circ C - 100^\circ C\) 2. \(15^\circ C - 20^\circ C\)
3. \(28^\circ C - 30^\circ C\) 4. Greater than \(45^\circ C\)
Subtopic:  Growth Terminology | Development |

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Consider the given diagram and select the correct inference:

1. Both leaves have shown different absolute growths
2. First leaf has exhibited growth but second leaf has not as it is already senescent
3. The relative growth of first leaf is more than that of the second leaf
4. Both leaves have exhibited equal relative growths
Subtopic:  Growth | Growth Terminology |

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Based on the given diagram of root tip, which of the following statements will be true?
I: The region shown as A to G is the zone of elongation.
II: The portion of the axis which is undergoing the phase of maturation lies more distal to the phase of elongation.
1. Only I 2. Only II
3. Both I and II 4. Neither I nor II
Subtopic:  Development |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.