Which of the following polymer is stored in the liver of animals?

1. Amylose 2. Cellulose
3. Amylopectin 4. Glycogen

Hint: Animal starch

Glycogen is a polymer of α-D glucose stored in the liver, brain, and muscles of animals, also known as animal starch.
A glycogen particles in skeletal muscles can contain as much as 50,000 glucose moieties linked with α(1 → 4) bonds and branched by α(1 → 6) bonds

Amylose is important in plant energy storage.

  1. Amylopectin is a highly branched chain polymer of D-glucose units, linked by glycosidic bonds. It is insoluble in water and constitutes around 80% of starch.
  2. Amylopectin is used as a thickener and stabilizer in various dishes.
  3. Amylopectin is a storage molecule in plants, present as starch granules.
  4. It is used in the textile industry as a stiffener.
  5. It has also been utilized in various adhesive formulas.
  6. Examples of natural amylopectin sources are potato, rice, cassava, etc.
  7. Humans and other animals with amylase enzyme have the ability to digest amylopectin.