Q. 70 Does light factor affect the distribution of organisms? Write a brief note giving suitable examples of either plants or animals.


Ans. Plants require sunlight for photosynthesis. Therefore, light is an important factor that affects the distribution of plants. e.g.

(i) Many species of small plants (herbs and shrubs) growing in forests are adapted to photosynthesize optimally under very low light conditions so they will be seen distributed in shady areas under tall, canopied trees.

(ii) Many plants in the shade will grow vertically to gain access to light. These plants will appear to have smaller leaves and smaller than others of the same species of the same age found in conditions with better sunlight.

(iii) Large-sized trees ill be present in areas that get abundant sunlight.

(iv) Plants dependent on sunlight to meet their photoperiodic requirements for flowering, will try to be distributed in the area, where this requirement is being met for their reproductive success.