7. Briefly describe various steps involved in plant breeding.

Plant breeding is the process in which two genetically dissimilar varieties

are purposely crossed to produce a new hybrid variety. As a result,

characteristics from both parents can be obtained in the hybrid plant variety.

Thus, it involves the production of a new variety with the desired

characteristics such as resistance to diseases, climatic adaptability, and

better productivity. The various steps involved in plant breeding are as


 Collection of genetic variability: Genetic variability from various

wild relatives of the cultivated species are collected to maintain the

genetic diversity of a species. The entire collection of the diverse

alleles of a gene in a crop is called the germplasm collection.

 Evaluation of germplasm and selection of parents: The germplasm

collected is then evaluated for the desirable genes. The selected plants

with the desired genes are then used as parents in plant breeding

experiments and are multiplied by the process of hybridization.

Cross-hybridization between selected parents: The next step in plant

breeding is to combine the desirable characters present in two

different parents to produce hybrids. It is a tedious job as one has to

ensure that the pollen grains collected from the male parent reach the

stigma of the female parent.

 Selection of superior hybrids: The progenies of the hybrids having the

desired characteristics are selected through scientific evaluation. The

selected progenies are then self-pollinated for several generations to

ensure homozygosity.

 Testing, release, and commercialization of new cultivars: The

selected progenies are evaluated for characters such as yield,

resistance to diseases, performance, etc. by growing them in research

fields for at least three growing seasons in different parts of the

country. After thorough testing and evaluation, the selected varieties

are given to the farmers for growing in fields for a large-scale
