Q. 12.  What is the recombination? Discuss the applications of recombination from the point of view of genetic engineering.


Recombination refers to the generation of new combination of genes which is different from the parental types. It is produced due to crossover that occurs during meiosis prior to gamete formation.

Applications of Recombination

(i) It is a means of introducing new combinations of genes and hence new traits.

(ii) It increases variability which is useful for natural selection and under changing environment.

(iii) Since, the frequency of crossing over depends upon the distance between the two genes, the phenomenon is used for preparing linkage chromosome maps.

(iv) It has proved to select small or large population for obtaining the require cross-overs. For obtaining cross-overs between closely linked genes, a very large population is required.

(vi)  Useful recombination produced by crossing over are picked up by breeders to produce useful new varieties of crop plants and animals. The green revolution has been achieved in India due to this selective picking up of useful recombinations. Operation flood or white revolution is also being carried out on similar lines