Q. 9.  In a monohybrid cross of plants with red and white-flowered plants. Mendel got only red flowered plants. On self-pollinating these F1 plants got both red and white flowered plants in 3 : 1 ratio. Explain the basis of using RR and rr symbols to represent the genotype of plants of the parental generation.


Phenotypic ratio Red flower : White flower 3 : 1  

Genotypic ratio        RR        :  Rr : rr      1 : 2 : 1

Generally, upper case letters are used as symbols for dominant and lower case for recessive traits of the same gene (alleles). Experiment shows that it is a monohybrid cross with 3 : 1 ratio in F2-generation.

This shows parents must be true-breeds. As parents are diploid and homologous chromosomes carry alleles with a similar type they are represented with RR and rr.