Q.7.  ZZ/ZW type of sex determination is seen in

a.  platypus

b.  snails

c.  cockroach

d.  peacock


(d)  In ZZ/ZW case, the female has heteromorphic (ZW) sex chromosome and the male has homomorphic (ZZ) sex chromosomes. Thus, peacock shows ZZ/ZW sex determination type.

In platypus, the sex determination is of XX-XY type. Both male and females has ten sex chromosome each. The male has XY, XY, XY, XY, XY and females has XXXXXXXXXX. 

In snails, the sex determination is environmentally induced, while in cockroaches it is of XX-XO types. 

In this type Y-chromosome is completely lacking. In this presence pf unpaired X-chromosomes determines the masculine sex.