8. What are the conditions necessary for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by Rhizobium. What is their role in N2 -fixation?

Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacteria present in the root nodules of leguminous plants.
The basic requirements for Rhizobium to carry out nitrogen fixation are as follows:

(a) Presence of the enzyme nitrogenase
(b) Presence of leg-hemoglobin
(c) Non-haem iron protein, ferredoxin as the electron-carrier
(d) Constant supply of ATP
(e) Mg2+ions as co-factors

Rhizobium contains the enzyme nitrogenase – a Mo-Fe protein – that helps in the conversion of atmospheric free nitrogen into ammonia.

The reaction is as follows:

N2 + 8e- + 8H+ + 16 ATP 2 NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16Pi

The Rhizobium bacteria live as aerobes under free-living conditions, but require anaerobic conditions during nitrogen fixation. This is because the enzyme nitrogenase is highly sensitive to molecular oxygen. The nodules contain leghaemoglobin, which protects nitrogenase from oxygen.




9. What are the steps involved in the formation of a root nodule?

Multiple interactions are involved in the formation of root nodules. The Rhizobium bacteria divide and form colonies. These get attached to the root hairs and epidermal cells. The root hairs get curled and are invaded by the bacteria. This invasion is followed
by the formation of an infection thread that carries the bacteria into the cortex of the root. The bacteria get modified into rod-shaped Bacteroides. As a result, the cells in the cortex and pericycle undergo division, leading to the formation of root nodules. The nodules finally get connected with the vascular tissues of the roots for nutrient exchange.