Match the following columns:

Column I Column II
A. Meristem i. Photosynthesis, storage
B. Parenchyma  ii. Mechanical support
C. Collenchyma cells iii. Actively dividing
D. Sclerenchyma  iv. Stomata
E. Epidermal tissue v. Sclereids


1. i iii v ii iv
2. iii i ii v iv
3. ii iv v i iii
4. v iv iii ii i

(b) Meristem It is a group of actively dividing cells which is responsibie for the life long growth occurring in the plants.
Parenchyma It is a permanent tissue and widely distributed in plant body.It is mainly involved in photosynthesis in chlorophyll containing cells and also store food materiats.
Collenchyma The cells of collenchyma tissue have thickening at corners of cells and this provide mechanical Strength to herbaceous green stems.
Sclerenchyma This tissue is dead at maturity, have thickening along all sides of walls, Sclereids and fibre are this types of tissue.
Epidermal tissue The epidermal tissue system forms the otuer most covering of the whole plant body and comprises epidermal cells, stomata and the epidermal appendages the trichomes and hairs.