At high pressure the following reaction is zero order-

The correct statements among the following is:

(a) Rate of reaction = Rate constant
(b) Rate of the reaction depends on the concentration of ammonia
(c) Rate of decomposition of ammonia will remain constant until ammonia disappears completely
(d) Further increase in pressure will change the rate of reaction
1. (a, b, c) 2. (b, c, d)
3. (a, c, d) 4. (a, b, d)

Hint: For zero order reaction rate of reaction is equal to rate constant.

Given, the chemical reaction is

At very high-pressure reaction become independent of the concentration of ammonia i.e., zero-order reaction

(a) Rate of reaction = Rate constant.

(b) Rate of decomposition of ammonia will remain constant until ammonia disappears completely.

(c) Since the formation of ammonia is a reversible process further increase in pressure will change the rate of reaction. According to the Le-Chatelier principle increase in pressure will favor in backward reaction.

For zero order reaction, the rate of reaction doesnot depends the concentration of reactant.