The correct statement among the following options is: 

1. Ecell and ∆rG of cell reaction are both extensive properties.
2. Ecell and ∆rG of cell reaction are both intensive properties.
3. Ecell is an intensive property while ∆rG of cell reaction is an extensive property.
4. Ecell is an extensive property while ∆rG of cell reaction is an intensive property.

HINT: An intensive property is a physical quantity whose value does not depend on the amount of the substance for which it is measured.
Ecell is an intensive property as it does not depend upon the mass of species (number of particles) but rG of the cell reaction is an extensive property because this depends upon the mass of species (number of particles).

In electrochemistry, the terms "E cell" and "E° cell" refer to different aspects of the electrochemical cell potential.

### E cell (Cell Potential)
- **Definition**: E cell is the actual cell potential or electromotive force (EMF) of an electrochemical cell under specific conditions (e.g., specific concentrations of reactants and products, temperature, and pressure).
- **Extensive Property**: An extensive property depends on the amount of matter in a system. E cell is considered extensive because it can change with the size of the system. For instance, if the number of moles of reactants is changed, the actual cell potential may change accordingly due to changes in concentration and other factors. It is not a property inherent to the substances involved but rather depends on the specific conditions of the system.

### E° cell (Standard Cell Potential)
- **Definition**: E° cell is the standard cell potential, measured under standard conditions (1 M concentration for all aqueous species, 1 atm pressure for gases, and usually 25°C). It is calculated from the standard reduction potentials of the half-cells involved in the electrochemical reaction.
- **Intensive Property**: An intensive property does not depend on the amount of matter in a system. E° cell is considered intensive because it is a characteristic property of the substances involved in the reaction under standard conditions. It remains constant regardless of the scale of the system, meaning it does not change with the amount of substance.

In summary, E cell varies with the conditions of the system and is extensive, while E° cell is a fixed value for given reactions under standard conditions and is intensive.