5.5 Pressure of 1 g of an ideal gas A at 27 °C is found to be 2 bar. When 2 g of another ideal gas B is introduced in the same flask at same temperature the pressure becomes 3 bar. Find a relationship between their molecular masses.


For ideal gas A, the ideal gas equation is given by,
pAV = nART ..... (i)
Where, pA and nA represent the pressure and number of moles of gas A.
For ideal gas B, the ideal gas equation is given by,
pB = nBRT ..... (ii)
Where, pB and nB represent the pressure and number of moles of gas B.
(V and T are constants for gases A and B)
From equation (i), we have
pAV = mAMART  pAMAmA = RTV ......(iii)
From equation (ii), we have

pBV = mBMBRT  pBMBmB = RTV ......(iii)
Where, MA and MB are the molecular masses of gases A and B respectively.
pAMAmA = pBMBma ......... (v)
mA = 1g
pA = 2 bar
mB = 2g
pB = (3-2) = 1 bar
(Since total pressure is 3 bar)
Substituting these values in equation (v), we have
2×MA1 = 1×MB2
 4MA = MB
Thus, a relationship between the molecular masses of A and B is given by 
4MA = MB.