4.7 Given a + b + c + d = 0, which of the following statements are correct :

(a) a, b, c, and d must each be a null vector,

(b) The magnitude of (a + c) equals the magnitude of ( b + d),

(c) The magnitude of a can never be greater than the sum of the magnitudes of b, c, and d,

(d) b + c must lie in the plane of a and d if a and d are not collinear, and in the line of a and d, if they are collinear?



(a) Incorrect

In order to make a + b + c + d = 0, it is not necessary to have all the four given vectors to be null vectors. There are many other combinations that can give the sum zero.

(b) Correct

a + b + c + d = 0

a + c = – (b + d)

Taking modulus on both the sides, we get:

| a + c | = | –(b + d)|

= | b + d |

Hence, the magnitude of (a + c) is the same as the magnitude of (b + d).

(c) Correct

a + b + c + d = 0

a = -(b + c + d)

Taking modulus both sides, we get:

| a | = | b + c + d |
aa+b+c .......i

Equation (i) shows that the magnitude of a is equal to or less than the sum of the magnitudes of b, c, and d. Hence, the magnitude of vector a can never be greater than the sum of the magnitudes of b, c, and d.

(d) Correct

For a + b + c + d = 0

The resultant sum of the three vectors a, (b + c), and d can be zero only if (b + c) lie in a plane containing a and d, assuming that these three vectors are represented by the three sides of a triangle.

If a and d are collinear, then it implies that the vector (b + c) is in the line of a and d. This implication holds only then the vector sum of all the vectors will be zero.