A person of mass \(50\) kg stands on a weighing scale on a lift. If the lift is descending with a downward acceleration of \(9\) ms-2, what would be the reading of the weighing scale?
(Take \(g=10\) ms-2)
1. \(50\) kg
2. \(5\) kg
3. \(10\) kg
4. \(100\) kg

When a lift descends with a downward acceleration a the apparent weight of a body of mass m is given by
w'= R = m(g — a)
Mass of the person m = kg
Descending acæleration a = 9 ms-2
Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 ms-2
The apparent weight of the person,
R=m(ga)   =50(109)   =50N ∴ Reading of the weighing scale =Rg=5010=5kg.