11.10 A brass rod of length 50 cm and diameter 3.0 mm is joined to a steel rod of the same length and diameter. What is the change in length of the combined rod at 250 °C, if the original lengths are at 40.0 °C? Is there a ‘thermal stress’ developed at the junction? The ends of the rod are free to expand. (Co-efficient of linear expansion of brass = 2.0×10-5 K-1, steel = 1.2×10-5 K-1).

Initial temperature, T1 = 40°C

Final temperature, T2 = 250°C

Change in temperature, ΔT = T2 – T1 = 210°C

Length of the brass rod at T1, l1 = 50 cm

The diameter of the brass rod at T1, d1 = 3.0 mm

Length of the steel rod at T2, l2 = 50 cm

The diameter of the steel rod at T2, d2 = 3.0 mm

Coefficient of linear expansion of brass, α1 = 2.0 × 10-5K-1

Coefficient of linear expansion of steel, α2 = 1.2 × 10-5K-1

For the expansion in the brass rod,

Change in length (l1)Orignal length (l1)=αT l1=50×(2.1×10-5)×210=0.2205


For the expansion in the steel rod,

 l1=50×(2.1×10-5)×210=0.126 cm


Total change in the lengths of brass and steel,

Δl = Δl1 + Δl2

= 0.2205 + 0.126

= 0.346 cm

Total change in the length of the combined rod = 0.346 cm

Since the rod expands freely from both ends, no thermal stress is developed at the junction.