The human eye has an approximate angular resolution of ϕ=5.8×10-4 rad and a typical photoprinter prints a minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch, 1 inch = 2.54 cm). At what minimal distance z should a printed page be held so that one does not see the individual dots.

Hint: The distance z depends on the resolution of the human eye.

Step 1: Find the distance between two dots.

Given, the angular resolution of the human eye ϕ=5.8×10-4 rad.

and the printer prints 300 dots per inch.
The linear distance  between two dots is, I=2.54300cm=0.84×10-2cm.

Step 2: Use the formula of resolution.

At a distance of z cm, this subtends an angle, ϕ=lz
