Find the current in the sliding rod AB (resistance=R) for the arrangement shown in the figure. B is constant and is out of the paper. Parallel wires have no resistance, v is constant. Switch S is closed at time t=0.


Hint: The current is induced due to the change in magnetic flux.
Step 1: The conductor of length d moves with speed v, perpendicular to magnetic field B as shown in the figure. This produces motional emf across two ends of rod, which is given by=Bvd.
Since switch S is closed at time t=0, the capacitor is charged by this potential difference. 
Step 2: Let Q(t) is a charge on the capacitor and current flows from A to B.
Now, the induced current;
On rearranging the terms, we have;
Step 3: This is the linear differential equation. On solving, we get;
Q=vBdC1-e-t/RC   At time t=0, Q=0=A=-vBdC.
Differentiating, we get, I=vBdRe-t/RC
This is the required expression of current.