A metal rod of length 10 cm and a rectangular cross-section of  \(1~ \text {cm} \times 1/2~ \text {cm}\) is connected to a battery across opposite faces. The resistance will be:

1. maximum when the battery is connected across\(1~ \text {cm} \times 1/2~ \text {cm}\) faces.
2. maximum when the battery is connected across \(10~ \text {cm} \times 1~ \text {cm}\) faces.
3. maximum when the battery is connected across \(10~ \text {cm} \times 1/2~ \text {cm}\) faces.
4. same irrespective of the three faces.

(a) Hint: The resistance of the rod will depend on the dimensions of the rod.
Step 1:
The resistance of the wire is given by:
R = ρlA
Step 2:
For the greater value of R, l must be higher and A should be lower and it is possible only when the battery is connected across 1 cm x 12 cm (area of cross-section A).