Which among the given acids has the lowest pKa value?
1. Chloroacetic acid
2. Bromoacetic acid
3. Nitroacetic acid
4. Cyanoacetic acid
Of the following acids, the strongest acid is:
1. o-nitrobenzoic acid
2. p-nitrobenzoic acid
3. m-nitrobenzoic acid
4. Benzoic acid
Which one of the following carboxylic acids is most acidic in character?
1. o-methyl benzoic acid
2. m-methyl benzoic acid
3. p-methyl benzoic acid
4. Benzoic acid
Which among the following carbocations is most stable?
1. 2.
3. 4.
Which statement is correct for ?
1. It is paramagnetic in character
2. It is a neutral electrophile
3. Formation takes place by homolytic bond fission
4. All are correct
Which of the following is 2 degree amine
Consider the following compounds:
What is the decreasing order of basicity for these compounds?
1. 4>1>2>3
2. 1>3>4>2
3. 2>3>4>1
4. 1>3>2>4
In toluene, methyl group has neither -ve charge nor lp even then it is o-, p-directing group for ArSE reaction due to:
1. induction effect
2. electromeric effect
3. hyperconjugation
4. mesomeric effect
Which one of the compounds behave as an electrophile as well as nucleophile?
1. Acetone
2. Cyanide ion
3. Nitrite ion
4. Sulphate ion
Which one of the following species is a nucleophile:
Arrange acidity of given compounds in decreasing order:
1. I > II > III > IV
2. IV > III > II > I
3. III > II > I > IV
4. II > IV > III > I
Arrange the acidity of given compounds in decreasing order in gas phase:
(I) (II)
(III) (IV)
1. I > IV > II > III
2. IV > III > II > I
3. I > II > IV > III
4. I > II > III > IV
Which one of the following has the highest nucleophilicity?
The stability of given free radicals in decreasing order is:
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
1. 3 > 4 > 1 > 2
2. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
3. 3 > 2 > 4 > 1
4. 3 > 2 > 1 > 4
Decreasing -I power of given groups is:
(1) CN (2) NO2
(3) NH3 (4) F
1. 2 > 1 > 4 > 3
2. 2 > 3 > 4 > 1
3. 3 > 2 > 4 > 1
4. 3 > 2 > 1 > 4
+R power of the given groups
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
in decreasing order is:
1. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
2. 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
3. 1 > 3 > 2 > 4
4. 1 > 4 > 3 > 2
Weakest base among the following is:
1. 2.
3. 4.
In which of the following structures the pair of started carbon atoms does not lie in the same plane
1. 2.
3. 4.
Which statement is incorrect for the above reaction:
1. The product is aromatic.
2. The Product has high dipole moment.
3. The Product has less resonance energy.
4. The product is diamagnetic in nature.
Which of the following halides undergoes solvolysis most easily?
Which of the following is the strongest base?
1. 2.
3. 4.
For the following reactions:
The correct decreasing order of enthalpy of formation carbocation is:
For which of the following molecules
1. Only I
2. I and II
3. Only III
4. III and IV
Consider the following carbanions:
(I) (II) (III)
Correct order of stability of these carbanions in decreasing order is:
1. I > II > III
2. III > II > I
3. I > III > II
4. III > I > II
Which carbocation is the most stable?
1. 2.
3. 4.
Which is the major product of the following reaction?
1. 2.
3. 4.
Which among the following statements is correct?
(1) is more stable than (2) is more stable than
(3) Singlet is more stable than triple (4) Singlet carbene has planar geometry
1. 1, 2 and 4
2. 2 and 4
3. 1, 2 and 3
4. 2, 3 and 4
Which one of the following compounds on gentle heating will undergo facile homolytic bond cleavage?
Which one of the following compounds is most basic in aqueous medium?