During nitrogen fixation, nitrite is oxidized to nitrate with the help of the bacterium :
1. Nitrosomanas
2. Pseudomonas
3. Nitrobacter
4. Thiobacillus
How many ATP molecules are required to biologically fix one molecule of nitrogen into two molecules of ammonia ?
1. 4
2. 8
3. 12
4. 16
Select the mismatch
1. |
Frankia |
Alnus |
2. |
Rhodospirillium |
Mycorrhiza |
3. |
Anabaena |
Nitrogen fixer |
4. |
Rhizobium |
Alfa-fa |
Which is essential for the growth of root tip ?
1. Zn
2. Fe
3. Ca
4. Mn
The abundant intracellular cation is
1. Na+
2. Ca2+
3. H+
4. K+
The first stable product of fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in leguminous plants is
1. NO-2
2. ammonia
3. NO-3
4. glutamate
Which one of the following is wrong statement ?
1. Anabaena and Nostoc are capable of fixing nitroghen in free-living state also
2. Root nodule forming nitrogen fixers live as aerobes under free-living conditions
3. Phosphorus is a constituent of cell membranes, certain nucleic acids and all proteins
4. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are chemoautotrophs
Sulphur is an important nutrient for optimum growth and productivity in:
1. pulse crops
2. cereals
3. fibre crops
4. oilseed crops
Which of the following statements is wrong?
1. There are techniques that are able to detect the minerals even at very low concentration i.e. 10 mg/mL
2. Some plant species accumulate selenium and some others gold
3. Some plants species nuclear test sites take up radioactive Strontium
4. The criteria for essentiality of an element completely depends upon the amount of element
Which of the following is not kept in beneficial elements?
1. Na
2. Si
3. Co
4. K
Nitrogen is mainly absorbed as
1. Nitrite
2. Nitrate
3. Ammonium
4. All of these
Which of the following is required more in meristematic tissues, buds, leaves and root tips?
1. K+
2. Cl-
3. P
4. N
Which of the following is not associated with potassium ions?
1. Maintain anion-cation balance in cells
2. Involved in protein synthesis
3. Involved in opening and closing of stomata and activation of enzyme
4. Maintenance of the turgidity of the cells and all phosphorespiration reactions
Which of the following has both Fe and Mg?
1. For the formation of Ferrodoxin
2. For the formation of Chlorophyll
3. For the formation of Ribosome
4. For the formation of Nucleotide
Which of the following is not involved in water splitting reaction of photosynthesis?
1. Cl-
2. Mn2+
3. Cu
4. Both A and C
The deficiency symptoms of mobilizable substances appear first in Older parts because
1. In order to mobilize the elements to young part, the biomolecules of older parts are broken down
2. In order to mobilize the elements the older part becomes weaker
3. The work of mobilization is random and takes a lot of energy to cause it
4. All of these
The elements which are not actively mobilizable or immobilized within the plants and exported young developing tissues. The deficiency is symptom is observed in
1. Both in young and old parts
2. Only in young parts
3. First in old parts
4. First in young parts
Why does S and Ca deficiency not found in older parts first ?
1. As they are immobilizable
2. As they are very abundant in older parts
3. As newer parts are already deficient
4. Both A and B
The following statements are correct except
1. Different plants respond differently to the deficiency of the same element
2. The deficiency of any element can cause multiple symptoms and that the same symptoms be caused by the deficiency of other elements as well
3. Lack of N,K,S,Mo is responsible for cell division
4. There is a narrow range of concentration at which elements are optimum
Which of the following is a symptom of Mn toxicity ?
P. Appearence of brown spots surrounded by chlorotic veins
Q. Mn competes with Fe and Mg for uptake
R. Competes with Mg for binding with enzymes
S. Inhibits calcium translocation in shoot apex
T. It causes deficiency of Mg and Ca
U. It causes Chlorosis
V. It causes Necrosis
W. It causes inhibition of cell division
Which of the above are correct ?
1. P,Q,R,S,T,U,W
2. R,S,T,U,V,W
3. P,Q,R,S,T
4. Q,V,W
Symplast is not associated with
1. active flux
2. slow
3. Uptake of ions through the cell
4. Usually has involvement of ion channels or transmembrane proteins which function as selective pore
The soil is enriched of dissolved ions and inorganic salts because of
1. Raining
2. Leaching
3. Weathering
4. Erosion
Which of the following is not true about soil ?
P. Soil not only supplies minerals but also harbours Nitrogen fixing bacteria and other microbes
Q. It holds water
R. It supplies air to the roots
S. It acts as a matrix that stablises the plant
T. It is a source of photosynthate
U. It is positively geotropic without any exception
1. S,T and U
2. T and U
3. S and U
4. R and T
Which of the following micronturients does not form components of fertiliser ?
1. Cu,Mn
2. Zn, K
3. Fe, Cu
4. Cu, Zn
Electrical nitrogen fixation leads to
1. Formation of nitrate
2. Formation of nitrite
3. Formation of Ammonia
4. Formation of Nitrogen
The reduction of absorbed nitrate occurs
1. In leaves
2. In roots
3. In soil
4. In air
These are the events of Nodule formation :
a. Rhizobia get attached to epidermal and root hair
b. Rhizobia multiply and colonise the surroundings of roots
c. Bacteria invade the root hair
d. The root hairs curl
e. An infection thread is produced
f. Bacteria are released from the thread into the cells
g. Infection thread carries the bacteria into the cortex of the root
h. The release of bacteria into cortex leads to the differentiation of specialised nitrogen fixing cells
i. Establishment of a direct vascular connection with the host for exchange
j. Nodule is formed finally
k. Iniation of nodule formation in the cortex of the root
Arrange them in order
1. b-a-d-c-e-g-f-k-i-h-j
2. b-a-c-d-g-e-f-k-h-j-i
3. b-a-d-c-e-g-k-f-h-j-i
4. a-b-c-d-e-g-k-f-j-i-h
To protect nitrogenase from oxygen, which of the following in nodule will act as scavenger
1. Leg-haemoglobin
2. Anaerobic mode of life
3. Both A and B
4. Myoglobin
Most of the plants can assimilate ...a... and ....b... and ...c is quite toxic to plants and hence cannot accumulate in them.
Find the wrong one.
1. a.Ammonium
2. c.Ammonium
3. b.Nitrate
4. c.Nitrite
During reductive animation
1. NADH gets converted to NAD+
2. NADPH gets converted to NADP
3. NADP gets converted to NADPH
4. NAD+ gets converted to NADH
For the transportation of Nitrogen to other part which of the following is preferably used
1. Lysine
2. Glutamate
3. Asprtate
4. Glutamine
Hydroponics refers to growing plants in
1. Macronutrients culture medium
2. Water
3. Solution of mineral nutrients
4. Soil
Which of the following is not a physiological role of potassium ?
1. Maintain anion-cation balance in cells
2. Maintain turgidity of cells
3. Help in opening and closing of stomata
4. Synthesizw auxins
Amides are transported to the outer parts of plant through
1. Phloem
2. Xylem
3. Parenchyma
4. Cyclosis and active transport
The concentration of elements such as carbon and nitrogen in plants is
1. Above 10 millimole kg-1 of dry matter
2. Less than 10 millimole kg-1 of dry matter
3. Equal to 10 millimole kg-1 of dry matter
4. Between 1-10 millimole kg-1 of dry matter
Reaction carried out by N2 metabolising microbes include
Which of the following statements about these equations is not true?
1. Step l is carried out by Nitrosomonas or Nitrococcus
2. Step ll is carried out by Nitrobacter
3. Both steps l and ll can be called nitrification
4. Bacteria carrying out these steps are usually photoautotrophs
Major function of trace elements is to act as
1. Constituent of hormones
2. Constituent of amino acids
3. Constituent of chlorophyll
4. Cofactor of enzymes
Match of the following and choose the correct combination from the options given.
Column l Column ll
a. Potassium (i) Germination of pollen grains
b. Molybdenum (ii) Involved in synthesis
c. Boron (iii) Involved in stomatal movement
d. Zinc (iv) Constituent of ferredoxin
e. Sulphur (v) Component of nitrate reductase
1. a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i), e(v)
2. a(iii), b(v), c(i), d(ii), e(iv)
3. a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv), e(v)
4. a(ii), b(iii), c(v), d(i), e(iv)
Select the incorrect statement with respect to the biological nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium
1. Nitrogenase may require oxygen for its functioning
2. Nitrogenase is Mo-Fe protein
3. Leg-haemoglobin is a pink-coloured pigment
4. Nitrogenase helps to convert gas into two molecules of ammonia
Movement of electrolytes through the roots is generally
1. Against electro chemical gradient and require energy
2. Along electro chemical gradient and does not require energy
3. A passive process
4. Dependent on aquaporins
Conversion of is called ______ and is catalysed by ______ .
1. Nitrate assimilation, nitrate and nitrite reductase
2. Nitrification, nitrate and nitrite reductase
3. Ammonifiaction, glutamate dehydrogenase
4. Denitrification, transaminase
The translocation of solute is
1. Equal to the rate of translocation of water
2. Dependent on transpiration pull
3. Through xylem vessel
4. All of these
How many electron and protons are required to fix a nitrogen?
1. 32 each
2. 8 each
3. 16 each
4. 4 each
The process of conversion of is called ____ and is done by
1. Nitrification, Nitrosomonas
2. Denitrification, Pseudomonas
3. Nitrate assimilation, Nitrogenase
4. Ammonification, Bacillus
How many electron and protons are required to fix a dinitrogen?
1. 32 each
2. 8 each
3. 16 each
4. None of these
Leguminous plants are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen through the process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Which one of the following statements is not correct during this process of nitrogen fixation ?
1. Leghaemoglobin scavenges oxygen and is pinkish in colour
2. Nodules act as sites for nitrogen fixation
3. The enzyme nitrogenase catalyses the conversion of atmospheric N2 to NH3
4. Nitrogenase is insensitive to oxygen