Round seed trait (R) is dominant over wrinkled (r) seed trait in Pea. Heterozygous round seeded plant (Rr) is crossed with wrinkled seed plant (rr). What is the possible progeny?
1. 302 round : 102 wrinkled
2. 210 round : 95 wrinkled
3. 103 round : 99 wrinkled
4. 103 round : 315 wrinkled
A dihybrid cross produces the following progeny-AaBb=240; Aabb=754; aaBb=746; aabb=260. What is the distance between the two gene on the chromosome?
1. 12.5 map units
2. 1 map unit
3. 20 map units
4. 25 map units
Male pattern baldness is a _____ trait
1. sex-linked
2. sex-limited
3. sex-influenced
4. Y-linked
A colour blind girl is rare because she will be born only when
1. Her mother and maternal grand father were colour blind
2. Her father and maternal grand father were colour blind
3. Her mother is colour blind and father has normal vision
4. Parents have normal vision but grand parents were colour blind.
The ultimate source of allelic variation is:
1. Recombination
2. Natural selection
3. Mutation
4. Drift
Suppose a gene has seven alleles. What would be the number of alleles in an individual at any instant?
1. 1
2. 7
3. 2
4. 3
When Morgan hybridised yellow-bodied, white-eyed females to brown-bodied, red-eyed males and intercrossed their F1 progeny, the F2 ratio deviated very significantly from the 9:3:3:1 ratio. This can be attributed to the fact that:
1. The genes are located on X and Y chromosomes
2. Fruit fly has abnormal chromosomes
3. The genes are located on the X chromosome
4. The genes exhibit incomplete dominance
In a monohybrid cross F1 progeny resemble neither of the parents. What would be true in this case?
1. The parental traits would not appear in any of the F2-progenies
2. The F2 phenotypic ratio will be different from the F2 genotypic ratio
3. It could be a case of either incomplete dominance of co-dominance
4. The F2 genotypic ratio will be similar to any Mendelian monohybrid cross
The trait shown in the given pedigree chart is most likely a/an:
1. Autosomal recessive trait
2. Autosomal dominant trait
3. Sex linked recessive trait
4. Sex linked dominant trait
Which of the following are correct regarding linked genes?
I. are located near each other on the same chromosome.
II. violate the law of independent assortment
III. segregate together during meiosis
1. Only I and II
2. Only I and III
3. Only II and III
4. I, II, III
Consider the cross AaBb x AaBb. If the alleles for both genes exhibit complete dominance, what genotypic ratio is expected in the resulting offspring?
1. 1:1:1:1
2. 9:3:3:1
3. 3:6:3:1:2:1
4. 1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1
What is the basis of pleiotrophy?
1. A spontaneous mutation during the replication of DNA
2. Interrelationship between various metabolic pathways in the body.
3. Chromosomal aberration as chromosomes are the vehicles of genes
4. The behaviour of chromosomes during meiosis or gamete formation.
A female whose father was colourblind marries and normal male whose father was also colourblind. What is the probability that their daughter will be colourblind?
1. 0%
2. 25%
3. 50%
4. 75%
One of the Mendel's pure strains of pea plants had green peas. How many different types of eggs could such a plant produce with regard to pea colour?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 4
4. 8
The insertion or deletion of a base pair into the genetic code will cause a frame shift mutation unless the number of base pairs inserted or deleted is:
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Ten
A disease caused by an autosomal primary non-disjunction is
1. Down's syndrome
2. Klinefelter's syndrome
3. Turner's syndrome
4. Sickle-cell anemia
In the following human pedigree, the filled symbols represent the affected individuals.
Identify the type of given pedigree
1. Autosomal dominant
2. X-linked recessive
3. Autosomal recessive
4. X-linked dominant
A colour blind man marries a woman with normal sight who has no history of colour blindness in her family. What is the probability of their grandson being colour blind?
1. 0.5
2. 1
3. Nil
4. 0.25
Multiple alleles are present
1. on different chromosomes
2. at different loci on the same chromosome
3. at the same locus of the chromosome
4. on non-sister chromatids
An abnormal human baby with 'XXX' sex chromosomes was born due to
1. formation of abnormal sperms in the father
2. formation of abnormal ova in the mother
3. fusion of two ova and one sperm
4. Both a and b
Fruit colour in squash is an example of
1. recessive epistatis
2. dominant epistatis
3. complementary genes
4. inhibitory genes
Which of the following statements is not true of two genes that show 50% recombination frequency?
1. the genes may be on different chromosomes
2. the genes are tightly linked
3. the genes show independent assortment
4. If the genes are present on the same chromosome, they undergo more than one crossovers in every meiosis
If both parents are carriers for thalassemia, which is an autosomal recessive disorder, what are the chances of pregnancy resulting in an affected child?
1. No chance
2. 50%
3. 25%
4. 100%
Sickel cell anaemia is
1. an autosomal linked dominant trait
2. caused by substitution of valine by glutamic acid in the -globin chain of haemoglobin.
3. caused by a change in base pair of DNA
4. characterized by elongated sickle like RBCs with a nucleus.
In the hexaploid wheat, the haploid (n) and basic (x) numbers of chromosomes are:
1. n=7 and x=21
2. n=21 and x=21
3. n=21 and x=14
4. n=21 and x=7
In which mode of inheritance do you expect more maternal influence among the offspring?
1. Autosomal
2. Cytoplasmic
3. Y-linked
4. X-linked
How many different kinds of gametes will be produced by a plant having the genotype AABbCC?
1. Three
2. Four
3. Nine
4. Two
A diagrammatic representation of karyotype of a species is referred to as its
1. idiogram
2. hologram
3. karyogram
4. monogram
A point mutation comprising the substitution of a purine by pyrimidine is called
1. transition
2. translocation
3. deletion
4. transversion
In which one of the following combinations (a-d) of the number of chromosomes is the present day hexaploid wheat correctly represented?
How many genome types are present in a typical green plants cell?
1. More than Five
2. More than Ten
3. Two
4. Three
Percentage of recombination between A and B is 9%, A and C is 17%, B and C is 26%, then the arrangement of genes is
1. ABC
2. ACB
3. BCA
4. BAC
In two pea plants having red (dominant) coloured flowers with unknown genotypes are crossed, 75% of the flowers are red and 25% are white. The genotypic constitution of the parents having red coloured flowers will be
1. both homozygous
2. one homozygous and other heterozygous
3. both heterozygous
4. both homozygous
Which one of the following disorders and characteristic is correctly matched?
1. Cystic fibrosis-Production of thick mucus that clogs airways
2. Sickle cell anaemia-Brain deterioration beginning at months of age
3. Achondroplasia-Extra fingers or toes
4. Huntington's disease-skeletal, eye and cardiovascular defects
How many true breeding pea plant varieties had been selected by Mendel?
1. 1
2. 7
3. 14
4. 16
Which of the following genotype express gametes?
1. TtRrAa
2. TtRA
3. ATRr
4. NMLr
In a true bleeding tall or dwarf pea variety the possible set of allelic pair(s) of genes for height are
1. TT, Tt, tt
2. TT, tt
3. TT
4. tt
Type of pollination in Pisumsativum is
1. Cross pollination
2. Self-pollination
3. Bud pollination
4. Both 2 and 3
Our ancestors knew about the inheritance of characters and variations because-
1. They selectively breed plants and animals and selected for organisms that possessed desirable characters.
2. They introduced mutations
3. They performed natural hybridisation
4. All of the above
Linkage was described by Morgan in Drosophila. Which of the following combinations are correct?
(i) He hybridised yellow bodied, white-eyed females to brown-bodied, red-eyed males and then intercrossed their F1
(ii) The ratio of F2 generation is same as that of 9:3:3:1 in this cross.
(iii) The parental combinations are observed more than recombinants.
(iv) According to Morgan Linkage was observed due to chemical association of genes.
(v) All the genes present on same chromosomes have same efficiency to link.
1. (ii), (iv), (v)
2. (i), (iii)
3. (i), (iii), (v)
4. (i) and (iv)
Mendel's success was largely due to his choice of the garden pea plants for his experiments. The advantages of using this plant included:
I: | Presence of easily observable contrasting traits for many characters. |
II: | It was possible to control pollination [and hence mating] between different pea plants. |
III: | A large number of seeds could be produced and statistical analysis was therefore more accurate. |
IV: | A long generation time means expression of all traits completely. |
V: | Many observable traits were controlled by single genes. |
1. Only I, II and III
2. Only I, II and V
3. Only I, II, III and V
4. Only II, III, IV and V
Two heterozygous tall plants are intercrossed, what percentage of tall progeny will be homozygous tall?
1. 25
2. 33
3. 50
4. 66
Two heterozygous round yellow seeded pea plants are intercrossed. In the progeny, the trait for seed shape will segregate in the ratio:
1. 1:1
2. 3:1
3. 1:1:1:1
4. 9:3:3:1
Given the parents AABBCcAabbCc, assume simple dominance and independent assortment. What proportion of the progeny will be expected to phenotypically resemble the first parent?
1. 1/4
2. 1/8
3. 3/4
4. 3/8
A man of blood group A marries a woman of AB blood group. Which type of progeny would indicate that man is heterozygous A?
1. AB
2. A
3. O
4. B
Out of a pair of monozygotic twins, one develops hare lip and the other does not. This can be an example of the genetic phenomenon of:
1. Pleiotrophy
2. Incomplete penetrance
3. Variable expressivity
4. Incomplete dominance
If a normal female has a sickle cell anaemic child what can be the probable genotype of that gene in that female?
1. AA
2. aa
3. Aa
4. both (1) and (3)
In ABO blood grouping how many genotypes show co-dominance?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Which of the following disorder can't be transmitted from a single diseased parent?
1. Sickle cell anaemia
2. Haemophilia
3. Cystic fibrosis
4. Myotonic dystrophy
What is the characteristic feature of haplodiploid sex determination?
1. Males produce sperms by mitosis.
2. Number of sets of chromosomes presents in progenies will decide their sex.
3. Workers will have diploid set of chromosomes.
4. Drones will have haploid set of chromosome.