Number of floating ribs are
1. 2 pairs
2. 12 pairs
3. 7 pairs
4. 3 pairs
The two cells of the body which show pseudopodial movement are
1. RBC and WBC
2. WBC and macrophages
3. Liver cell and WBC
4. Macrophages and liver cell
The specialised cells that make the muscular tissue are
1. Neuroblast
2. Osteoblast
3. Osteocytes
4. Myocytes
A bundle of muscle fibre is called
1. Fascia
2. Glenoid cavity
3. Myocyte
4. Fasciculus
The dark band present on myofibril is
1. Isotropic band
2. Anisotropic band
3. Hensen’s zone
4. M-line
A sarcomere consists of
1. One A-band and one I-band
2. Half A-band and two half I-band
3. Half A-band and one I-band
4. One A-band and two half I-band
The monomeric protein which polymerises to form myosin is
1. Actin
2. Meromyosin
3. Tropomyosin
4. Troponin
The number of bones present in the skeleton that runs along the middle longitudinal axis of the body is
1. 87
2. 90
3. 80
4. 78
Cranium protects the brain is made up of
1. 9 bones
2. 18 bones
3. 28 bones
4. 8 bones
Match the following
Column I Column II
a. Tarsal (i) 14
b. Phalanges (ii) 1
c. Meta tarsal (iii) 7
d. Femur (iv) 5
1. a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)
2. a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
3. a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
4. a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii)
In Myasthenia gravis ________ is affected.
1. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
2. Sarcolemma
3. Neuromuscular junction
4. T-tubules
During muscle contraction in a skeletal muscle fibre, Ca2+ combines with
1. TPT
2. TPC
3. TPI
4. Tropomyosin
One of the following ions is essential for muscular contraction
1. Na+, Ca++
2. Mg++, Ca++
3. Mg++, K+
4. K+, Na+
Which one of the following is a viral disease that weakens the muscles?
1. Atrophy
2. Poliomyelitis
3. Dystrophy
4. Muscular hypertrophy
Tongue bone is
1. Mandible
2. Hyoid
3. Flat bone
4. Coccyx
Phalangeal formula for the hand is
1. 23333
2. 33333
3. 33322
4. 32333
Obturator foramen is enclosed between
1. Ilium, ischium and pubis
2. Ischium and pubis
3. Ilium and ischium
4. Ilium and pubis
Sliding filament theory can be best explained as
1. When myofilaments slide pass each other, Myosin filaments shorten while Actin filaments do not shorten
2. When myofilaments slide pass each other Actin filaments shorten, while Myosin filament do not shorten
3. Actin and Myosin filaments shorten and slide pass each other
4. Actin and Myosin filaments do not shorten but rather slide pass each other
Which one of the following is correct pairing of a body part and the kind of muscle tissue that moves it?
1. Biceps of upper arm – Smooth muscle fibres
2. Abdominal wall – Smooth muscle
3. Iris – Involuntary smooth muscle
4. Heart wall – Involuntary unstriated muscle
The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to
(1) The central gap between myosin filaments in the A-band
(2) The central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band
(3) Extension of myosin filaments in the central portion of the A-band
(4) The absence of myofibrils in the central portion of A-band
Low Ca++ in the body fluid may be the cause of
(1) Gout
(2) Tetany
(3) Anaemia
(4) Angina pectoris
Sternum is connected to ribs by
(1) Bony matter
(2) White fibrous cartilage
(3) Hyaline cartilage
(4) Aerolar tissue
Identify the bone that is not a part of appendicular skeleton
(1) Frontal
(2) Bones of pelvic girdle
(3) Bones of limbs
(4) Fibula
How many of the following are investing bones?
Parietal, Patella, Scapula, Axis, Tarsal, Sternum, Metacarpal, Femur, Ulna, Calcaneum.
(1) Five
(2) Three
(3) Four
(4) One
Ball and socket type of synovial joint is present between
(1) Between carpals
(2) Humerus and pectoral girdle
(3) Atlas and axis
(4) Carpal and metacarpal of thumb
Which of the muscles have striation and intercalated discs within it?
(1) Myometrium
(2) Biceps
(3) Circular muscles of gut
(4) Myocardium
Which portion of the pelvic girdle is involved in the formation of acetabulum?
(1) Ilium
(2) Ischium
(3) Pubis
(4) All of these
Which one of the following is not a part of myosin molecule?
(1) Light meromyosin
(2) Tropomyosin
(3) Heavy meromyosin
(4) Myosin head with actin binding sites
When a person completes a rigorous phase of physical exercise, he starts panting as the body consumes extra oxygen. What was the physiological need, that is solved by this overconsumption of oxygen?
(1) To replenish ATP and phosphocreatine store
(2) To oxidise accumulated lactic acid done in liver formed due to anaerobic breakdown of glycogen causing fatigue
(3) To replenish the oxygen store in myoglobin
(4) All of these
Which joint is present between the adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column?
(1) Hinge joint
(2) Gliding joint
(3) Pivot joint
(4) Cartilaginous joint
During the contraction of biceps muscles, in its sarcomere, which one of the following does not occur?
(1) The length of anisotropic band shortens
(2) The length of Hensens zone (H zone) shortens
(3) The length of Isotropic band shortens
(4) The distance between two successive Zwischenscheibe lines decreases
Identify the correct option from the given information:
A. Red muscle fibres have high content of myoglobin.
B. The white muscle fibres do not get fatigued.
C. Cardiac muscles has long refractory period.
D. Mg2+ dependent ATPase activity is present in the myosin head.
E. The sarcoplasmic reticulum releases the stored Ca2+, which binds with calcium binding site of tropomyosin on actin filaments.
(1) A, B, C, D are correct but E is incorrect
(2) B & E are incorrect while A, C & D are correct
(3) A & C are correct statements where as B, D & E are incorrect
(4) D is the only incorrect statement while A, B, C & E are the correct statements
Which one of the following is not an example of smooth muscle?
(1) Arrector pili associated with hair follicles
(2) Circular muscle in the wall of intestine
(3) Located in the wall of blood vessels i.e. arteries help in vasoconstriction and vasodilation
(4) Muscles of heart. They are involuntary, innervated by autonomic nervous system
Which one of the following is an autoimmune disorder?
(1) Osteoporosis
(2) Myasthenia gravis
(3) Muscular dystrophy
(4) Tetany
How many total vertebrochondral i.e., false ribs are present in human body?
(1) One
(2) Three
(3) Four
(4) Six
The plasma membrane of the skeletal muscle fibre is known as
(1) Sarcoplasm
(2) Syncytium
(3) Sarcolemma
(4) Sacroplasmic reticulum
Which one of the following activities does not require skeletal function for locomotion?
(1) Finding reproductive mate
(2) Searching and building of shelter
(3) Movement of food through intestine
(4) Procurement of edibles