Which is the correct order of ecological hierarchy?
1. Biome Populations Community Organism
2. Organism Biome Population Community
3. Population Community Biome Organism
4. Organism Population Community Biome
Father of Indian ecology is
1. H. Reiter
2. G. S. Puri
3. Ramdeo Misra
4. Hutchinson
Ecological equivalents meant for
1. Two similar ecological niche in same geographical location
2. Two similar ecological niche in two different geographical locations
3. Organisms that occupy similar ecological niche in different geographical locations
4. Organisms that occupy different ecological niche in different geographical locations
Factors which play significant role in the formation of major biomes are
1. Temperature only
2. Temperature and precipitation
3. Precipitation and wind
4. Precipitation and atmosphere
Permafrost condition is characteristic feature of
1. Hot desert biome
2. Cold desert biome
3. Savanna biome
4. Chaparral biome
Find out incorrect match
1. Topographic factors - Soil texture
2. Edaphic factors - Soil factors
3. Climatic factors - Wind, humidity
4. Physiographic factors - Mountain slope
The organisms found in boiling thermal springs are
1. Fungi
2. Protists
3. Archaebacteria
4. Actinomycetes
Mango, tuna fish, snow leopards are
1. Euryhaline
2. Stenothermal
3. Eurythermal
4. Eurythermal & euryhaline
Match Column l with Column ll and choose correct option
Column l Column ll
(Means of transport) (Soil type)
a. Water (i) Colluvial
b. Air (ii) Alluvial
c. Gravity (iii) Eolian
1. a(i), b(ii), c(iii)
2. a(i), b(iii), c(ii)
3. a(ii), b(iii), c(i)
4. a(iii), b(i), c(ii)
Below is the diagrammatic representation of the response of organisms against temperature. Find out the correct match.
1. A-plants, B-birds
2. A-birds, B-mammals
3. C-mammals, B-plants
4. A-birds, B-plants
Smaller animals tend to lose body heat very fast as compared to larger animals because they have
1. Higher surface to volume ratio
2. Lower surface to volume ratio
3. Equal values of surface and volume
4. Very low BMR (basal metabolic rate)
Match Column l with Column ll and choose correct option
Column l Column ll
a. Aestivation (i) Over wintering
b. Hibernation (ii) Over summer
c. Diapause (iii) Suspended development in zooplanktons
1. a(i), b(ii), c(iii)
2. a(i), b(iii), c(ii)
3. a(ii), b(i), c(iii)
4. a(iii), b(i), c(ii)
Thick cuticle, sunken and scotoactive stomata, CAM photosynthesis and conversion of leaves into spines are some of the important characters of
1. Desert plants
2. Hydrophytes
3. Xerophytes
4. More than one option is correct
Warm blooded animals like mammals from colder climates generally have shorter ear and limbs. This is an explanation of
1. Jordan's rule
2. Allen's rule
3. Rensch's rule
4. Bergman's rule
Which of the following is considered as more realistic growth model?
1. Exponential growth
2. Arithmetic growth
3. Geometric growth
4. Logistic growth
In nature, a given habitat has enough resources to support a maximum possible number, beyond which no further growth is possible. This characteristic feature of nature is known as
1. Biotic potential
2. Carrying capacity
3. Natural selection
4. Homeostasis
Predators play important role in
1. Conduction of energy across trophic levels
2. Maintainance of species diversity
3. Control of prey population
4. More than one option is correct
Select the incorrect match with respect to interspecific interaction
Species A Species B Interaction
1. + + Mutualism
2. + - Parasitism
3. + + Commensalism
4. + - Predation
A J-shaped growth curve depicts
1. Exponential growth when conditions are limited
2. Exponential growth when conditions are unlimited
3. Logistic growth when conditions are limited
4. Logistic growth when conditions are unlimited
Match Column l with Column ll and choose correct option
Column l Column ll
(Depth of sea water) (Algae type)
a. Shallowest depth (i) Brown algae
b. Intermediate depth (ii) Green algae
c. Greatest depth (iii) Red algae
1. a(i), b(ii), c(iii)
2. a(i), b(iii), c(ii)
3. a(ii), b(i), c(iii)
4. a(ii), b(iii), c(i)
Nearly all plants and an overwhelming majority (99 percent) of animals are categorised as
1. Conformers - They can maintain a constant internal environment
2. Conformers - They cannot maintain a constant internal environment
3. Regulators - They can maintain a constant internal environment
4. Regulators - They cannot maintain a constant internal environment
Keolado national park is situated at _____ and is famous for ____.
1. Gir (Gujarat), Lion
2. Ranthambhore (Rajasthan), Tiger
3. Bharatpur (Rajasthan), Siberian cranes
4. Hazaribag (Jharkhand), Tiger
Select the correct statement with respect to adaptations
1. Desert lizards bask in the sun and absorb heat when their body temperature drops below comfort zone
2. To stop experiencing altitude sickness, the body compensates low oxygen availability by increasing binding affinity of haemoglobin
3. Mammals of colder climate generally have larger ears and limbs to minimise heat loss
4. Many desert plants have thin cuticle on their leaf surface and have their stomata arranged on upper surface to minimise water loss
Select the incorrect statement with respect to ecotypes
1. They are different from each other on the basis of morphological and physiological characters
2. They are interfertile
3. They are genetically similar
4. There may be several ecotypes of the same organism
Pollination in Ophrys (a mediterranean orchid) occurs by
1. Insect through clip mechanism
2. Insect through trap door mechanism
3. Insect through pseudocopulation mechanism
4. Insect through lever mechanism
Change in population size equation with prolonged exponential phase can be converted into logistic growth equation by multiplying it with
An association of individuals of different species living in the same habitat and having functional interactions is
1. Population
2. Ecological niche
3. Biotic community
4. Ecosystem
Roots play insignificant role in absorption of water in
1. Wheat
2. Sunflower
3. Pistia
4. Pea
The following graph depicts changes in two populations (A and B) of herbivores in a grassy field. A possible reason for these changes is that
1. Population A consumed the members of population B
2. Both plant populations in this habitat decreased
3. Population B competed more successfully for food than population A
4. Population A produced more offspring than population B
Most animals are tree dwellers in a
1. Tropical rain forest
2. Coniferous forest
3. Thorn woodland
4. Temperate deciduous forest
A sedentary sea anemone gets attached to the shell lining of hermit crab. The association is
1. Symbiosis
2. Commensalism
3. Amensalism
4. Ectoparasitism
A biologist studied the population of rats in a barn. He found that the average natality was 250, average mortality 240, immigration 20 and emigration 30. The net increase in population is
1. 15
2. 05
3. Zero
4. 10
People who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang pass about six months back
1. Have the usual RBC count but their haemoglobin has very high binding affinity to
2. Have more RBCs and their haemoglobin has a lower binding affinity of
3. Are not physically fit to play games like football
4. Suffer from altitude sickness with symptoms like naussea, fatigue, etc.
The logistic population growth is expressed by the equation
What type of human population is represented by the following age pyramid?
1. Expanding population
2. Vanishing population
3. Stable population
4. Declining population
Which one of the following is one of the characteristics of a biological community?
1. Sex-ratio
2. Stratification
3. Natality
4. Mortality
A country with a high rate of population growth took measures to reduce it. The figure below shows age-sex pyramids of populations A and B twenty years apart. Select the correct interpretation about them:
1. "B" is earlier pyramid and shows stabilised growth rate.
2. "B" is more recent showing that population is very young.
3. "A" is the earlier pyramid and no change has occurred in the growth rate.
4. "A" is more recent and shows slight reduction in the growth rate.
What is true about the isolated small tribal populations?
1. There is no change in population size as they have a large gene pool
2. There is a decline in population as boys marry girls only from their own tribe
3. Hereditary diseases like colour blindness do not spread in the isolated population
4. Wrestlers who develop strong body muscles in their life time pass this character on to their progeny
Consider the following four statements (a - d) about certain desert animals such as kangaroo rat.
(a) They have dark colour and high rate of reproduction and excrete solid urine.
(b) They do not drink water, breathe at a slow rate to conserve water and have their body covered with thick hairs.
(c) They feed on dry seeds and do not require drinking water.
(d) They excrete very concentrated urine and do not use water to regulate body temperature.
Which two of the above statements for such animals are true?
1. a and b
2. c and d
3. b and c
4. c and a
The population of an insect species shows an explosive increase in numbers during rainy season followed by its disappearance at the end of the season. What does this show?
1. The population of its predators increases enormously.
2. S-shaped or sigmoid growth of this insect.
3. The food plants mature and die at the end of the rainy season,
4. Its population growth curve is of J-type.
There exists a close association between the alga and the fungus within a lichen. The fungus :
1. Fixes the atmospheric nitrogen for the alga
2. Provides protection, anchorage and absorption for the alga
3. Provides food for the alga
4. Releases oxygen for the alga
Animals have the innate ability to escape from predation. Examples for the same are given below. Select the incorrect example:
1. Enlargement of body size by swallowing air in puffer fish
2. Melanism in moths
3. Poison fangs in snakes
4. Colour change in chameleon
In a lake, phytoplankton grow in abundance in
1. Littoral zone
2. Limnetic zone
3. Profundal zone
4. Benthic region
Praying mantis is a good example of
1. Camouflage
2. Mullerian mimicry
3. Warning colouration
4. Social insects
What is a keystone species?
1. A species which makes up only a small proportion of the total biomass of a community, yet has a huge impact on the community's organization and survival
2. A common species that has plenty of biomass, yet has a fairly low impact on the community's organization
3. A rare species that has minimal impact on the biomass and on other species in the community
4. A dominant species that constitutes a large proportion of the biomass and which affects many other species