The major histocompatibility complex is a :
1. series of complement-enhanced reactions to antigens
2. group of antigens, coded by a family of genes, on the surface of body cells
3. form of autoimmunity
4. the major cause of cancer
Which human worm infestation are we talking about?
I. In socio-economic impact on the human race, it is second only to Malaria.
II. The worm larva enters the human body by penetrating the skin
III. The worm requires snails as an intermediate host.
IV. In developing countries, it is a common cause of anaemia in children.
1. Elephantiasis
2. Bilharziasis
3. Cysticercosis
4. Plague
Which of the following is used in the production of the recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine?
1. Yeast
2. Microsporum
3. E coli
4. Streptococcus
The cells of the malignant tumors exhibit
1. Metastasis
2. Contact inhibition
3. High differentiation
4. Slow proliferation
Which of the following drugs acts by interfering with the transport of the neurotransmitter Dopamine?
1. Morphine
2. Hashish
3. Cocaine
4. Atropine
The secretion of antibodies by B lymphocytes provides:
1. Passive immunity
2. Humoral immunity
3. cell mediated immunity
4. Innate immunity
Cancer is more common in older because:
1. Their immune systems have degenerated
2. Secretion of certain hormones is decreased
3. Cell replacement is not adequate
4. They accumulate more mutations
Which parasitic worm can cause lung damage and severe malnutrition?
1. Ascaris
2. Ancylostoma
3. Wuchereria
4. Clonorchis
A normal gene that codes for proteins that help to regulate cell growth and differentiation and can, due to mutations or increased expression, lead to neoplastic transformation of cells, is called as:
1. Oncogene
2. Proto-oncogene
3. V-onc
4. Psuedogene
Which of the following Fungi is not capable of causing ringworm infection in a man?
1. Microsporum
2. Trichophyton
3. Epidermophyton
4. Trichoderma
DNA damage leading to neoplastic transformation can be brought about by ionizing radiations like :
1. UV rays
2. Gamma rays
3. Infrared waves
4. Radio waves
Which of the following toxic substance is responsible for the chill and high fever recurring every three to four
days in malaria?
1. Haemotoxin
2. Haemoglobin
3. Haemozoin
4. Sporozoites
In which of the following disorder, the alveoli get filled with fluid leading to severe problems in respiration?
1. Common cold
2. Whooping cough
3. Diphtheria
4. Pneumonia
Typhoid fever could be confirmed by:
1. Widal test
2. Mantoux test
3. Schick test
4. Dick test
Mark the incorrect statement with respect to infection of Entamoeba histolytica:
1. It is a protozoan parasite of human
2. It is characterised by constipation and abdominal pain
3. It is a parasite in small intestine of man
4. Houseflies act as mechanical carriers and serve to transmit the parasite from faeces of infected person to food and food products
Which of the following statement is not correct regarding malarial infection?
1. Plasmodium enters the human body as sporozoites through the bite of freshly moulted female Anopheles mosquito
2. High fever recurring every three to four days
3. Sporozoites initially multiply within the liver cells and then attack the RBCs resulting in their rupture
4. When a female Anopheles mosquito bites an infected person, these parasites enter the mosquito’s body
and undergo further development
Internal bleeding, muscular pain, fever, anaemia and blockage of the intestinal passage are the common symptoms of:
1. Amoebiasis
2. Elephantiasis
3. Ascariasis
4. Typhoid
The use of vaccines and immunisation programmes have enabled us to completely eradicate a deadly disease like:
1. Polio
2. Tetanus
3. Diphtheria
4. Small pox
In the life cycle of Plasmodium, sexual stages (gametocytes) begin to develop in:
1. Stomach of mosquito
2. Intestine of man
3. Liver of man
4. Red blood cells of man
The pathogens of genera, Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton are responsible for:
1. Botulism
2. Conjunctivitis
3. Ringworm
4. Skin allergy
Which of the following is an autoimmune disease?
1. Asthma
2. Cirrhosis
4. Rheumatoid arthritis
Acid in stomach, saliva in the mouth, tears from eyes, all prevent microbial growth belong to which of the following barrier?
1. Physical barrier
2. Physiological barrier
3. Cellular barrier
4. Cytokine barrier
Which of the following immunoglobulin (Ig) is present in colostrum?
1. IgA
2. IgG
3. IgM
4. IgE
The treatment of snake bite by antivenom is an example of:
1. Artificially acquired passive immunity
2. Artificially acquired active immunity
3. Naturally acquired active immunity
4. Naturally acquired passive immunity
The spread of cancerous cells to distant sites is termed as:
1. Metastasis
2. Metachrosis
3. Metamorphosis
4. Metagenesis
Smoking increases ______ content in blood and reduces the concentration of haembound oxygen. Fill the blank suitably
1. Carbon dioxide
2. Carbaminohaemoglobin
3. Carbon monoxide
4. Carboxylic acid
Which of the following drug is extracted from the latex of poppy plant Papaver somniferum, generally taken by snorting and injection, is a depressant and slows down body functions?
1. Cocaine
2. Hashish
3. Barbiturate
4. Heroin
Choose the incorrect statement with respect to common cold:
1. Rhinovirus causes common cold
2. Rhinovirus infects the nose, respiratory passage and lungs
3. Common cold is characterised by nasal congestion and discharge, sore throat, hoarseness, cough, headache, tiredness etc.
4. Droplets resulting from cough or sneezes of an infected person are inhaled directly or transmitted through contaminated objects and can cause infection in a healthy person
Recently chikungunya and dengue cases were reported from various parts of the country. Choose the correct vector responsible for these diseases:
1. Anopheles mosquito
2. Xenopsylla (Rat flea)
3. Culex mosquito
4. Aedes mosquito
A person who met with road accident is likely to develop tetanus he is immunised by administering:
1. Weakened germs
2. Dead germs
3. Preformed antibodies
4. Wide spectrum antibiotics
Mark the correct statement:
1. The anamnestic response against a pathogen is highly intensified
2. The T-lymphocytes produce antibodies
3. The B-lymphocytes produce cell mediated response
4. An antibody is represented by H2L4
Blood cells involved in inflammatory reactions are:
1. Basophils
2. Neutrophils
3. Eosinophils
4. Monocytes
L.S.D. is:
1. Hallucinogenic
2. Sedative
3. Stimulant
4. Tranquiliser
Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease?
1. Psoriasis
2. Rheumatoid arthritis
3. Vitiligo
4. Alzheimer's disease
If you suspect major deficiency of antibodies in a person, to which of the following would you look for confirmatory evidence?
1. Serum globulins
2. Fibrinogen in plasma
3. Serum albumins
4. Haemocytes
Match each disease with its correct type of vaccine
Column-I Column-II
a. Tuberculosis (i) Harmless virus
b. Whooping cough (ii) Inactivated toxin
c. Diphtheria (iii) Killed bacteria
d. Polio (iv) Harmless bacteria
1. a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii)
2. a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
3. a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i)
4. a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
Which one of the following fungi contains hallucinogens?
1. Morchella esculenta
2. Amanita muscaria
3. Neurospora sp.
4. Ustilago sp.
Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular or skeletal system:
1. Myasthenia gravis - Auto immune disorder which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments
2. Gout - Inflammation of joints due to extra deposition of calcium
3. Muscular dystrophy - Age related shortening of muscles
4. Osteoporosis - Decrease in bone mass and higher chances of fractures with advancing age
Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of :
1. Cocaine
2. Opium
3. Alcohol
4. Tobacco (Chewing)
Read the following statements (A-D)
(A) Colostrum is recommended for the new born because it is rich in antigens.
(B) Chikungunya is caused by a Gram negative bacterium.
(C) Tissue culture has proved useful in obtaining virus-free plants.
(D) Beer is manufactured by distillation of fermented grape juice.
How many of the above statement is/are wrong?
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. One
Where will you look for the sporozoites of the malarial parasite?
1. Salivary glands of freshly moulted female Anopheles mosquito
2. Saliva of infected female Anopheles mosquito
3. Red blood corpuscles of humans suffering form malaria
4. Spleen of infected humans
A certain patient is suspected to be suffering form Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. Which diagnostic technique will you recommend for its detection?
3. MRI
4. Ultrasound
Read the following statement having two blanks (A and B).
“A drug used for ___(A)___ patients is obtained from a species of the organism ___(B)__ .”
The one correct option for the two blanks is
Blank-A Blank-B
1. Swine flu Monascus
2. AIDS Pseudomonas
3. Heart Penicillium
4. Organ transplant Trichoderma
Consider the following four statements (a–d) regarding kidney transplant and select the two correct ones out of these.
a. Even if a kidney transplant is proper the recipient may need to take immuno-suppresants for a long
b. The cell-mediated immune response is responsible for the graft rejection.
c. The B lymphocytes are responsible for rejection of the graft.
d. The acceptance or rejection of a kidney transplant depends on specific interferons.
The two correct statements are
1. a & b
2. b & c
3. c & d
4. a & c
Alzheimer disease in humans is associated with the deficiency of
1. Glutamic acid
2. Acetylcholine
3. Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
4. Dopamine
Which one of the following statements is correct ?
1. Benign tumours show the property of metastasis.
2. Heroin accelerates body functions.
3. Malignant tumours may exhibit metastasis.
4. Patients who have undergone surgery are given cannabinoids to relieve pain.
Match the disease in Column I with the appropriate items (pathogen/prevention/treatment) in Column II
Column I Column II
a. Amoebiasis (i) Treponema palladium
b. Diphtheria (ii) Use only sterilized food and water
c. Cholera (iii) DPT Vaccine
d. Syphilis (iv) Use oral rehydration therapy
1. a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
2. a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
3. a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
4. a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
Ultrasound of how much frequency is beamed into human body for sonography?
1. 45–70 MHz
2. 30–45 MHz
3. 15–30 MHz
4. 1–15 MHz
Aggregates of lymphoid tissue present in the distal portion of the small intestine are known as:
1. Villi
2. Peyer's patches
3. Rugae
4. Choroid plexus
Mark the incorrect statement:
1. Opioids are the drugs which bind to opioid receptors present in our central nervous system and
gastrointestinal tract
2. Cocaine is obtained from coca plant Erythroxylum coca
3. Natural cannabinoids are obtained from the inflorescence of the plant Cannabis sativa
4. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) is most powerful hallucinogen extracted from Papaver somniferum