Which of the following plasma proteins help in blood clotting?
1. Albumins
2. Globulins
3. Fibrinogens
4. All of these
Fluid exuding from the clotted blood is:
1. Plasma with most of the formed elements
2. Plasma without clotting factors
3. Serum
4. Both (2) & (3)
Diapedesis is the characteristic feature of:
1. Monocytes
2. B-lymphocytes
3. T-lymphocytes
4. All of these
In ABO system of blood grouping, transfusion is not possible from:
1. A to AB
2. B to AB
3. O to O
4. A to O
Erythroblastosis foetalis can occur if:
1. Mother is Rh-ve and foetus is Rh+ve
2. Both mother and foetus are Rh–ve
3. Mother is Rh+ve and foetus is Rh–ve
4. Both mother and foetus are Rh+ve
Bundle of His is a network of:
1. Muscle fibres distributed throughout heart wall
2. Muscle fibres found only in ventricle wall
3. Nerve fibres distributed in ventricles
4. Nerve fibres found throughout the heart
Amino acids are transported from the intestine to liver by:
1. Hepatic artery
2. Hepatic portal vein
3. Pulmonary vein
4. Hepatic vein
Tunica externa is composed of:
1. Endothelium
2. Connective tissue
3. Smooth muscles
4. Glycoproteins
Lymph nodes:
1. Filter the lymph
2. Contain phagocytic cells
3. Responsible for lymphocyte activation
4. All of these
Read the following:
a. Lymph absorbs and transports fat from the intestine.
b. Lymph nodes produce fibrinogen.
c. Lymphatic capillaries present in the intestinal villi are known as lacteals.
d. Lymph transports oxygen only.
Which of these statements are true?
1. a, c
2. b, d
3. c, d
4. a, b
Blood pumped by the heart passes into sinuses in:
1. Fishes
2. Earthworms
3. Insects
4. Birds
A patch of nodal tissue responsible for initiating the rhythmic contractile activity of heart is present in:
1. Lower left corner of the left ventricle
2. Upper right corner of the right atrium
3. Lower left corner of the right ventricle
4. Upper left corner of the left atrium
Murmur occurs due to defect in:
1. Heart valves
2. SA node
3. Bundle of His
4. Purkinje fibres
Repolarisation of the ventricles is represented by:
1. P-wave
2. QRS-wave
3. T-wave
4. Both P and T-wave
Time interval between the closure of semilunar valve and closure of AV valve is:
1. 0.3 s
2. 0.5 s
3. 0.1 s
4. 0.7 s
If one litre of blood is drawn out of 5 litres from the body of man, how much blood would be left by the next
1. 5 litres
2. 4.5 litres
3. 4 litres
4. 3 litres
The two auricles are demarcated externally from the ventricle by an irregular groove called:
1. Inter-auricular septum
2. Inter-ventricular septum
3. Coronary sulcus
4. Inter-ventricular groove
Which layer of the heart is responsible for differential thickness of different chambers?
1. Epicardium
2. Myocardium
3. Endocardium
4. Pericardium
The opening of pulmonary vein is without valve because:
1. It is a very small aperture
2. It has low blood pressure
3. Its opening is oblique
4. None of these
Hepatic portal system is present in:
1. Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles
2. Reptiles and Birds
3. All mammals
4. All vertebrates
A man with blood group 'A' marries a woman with blood group 'B'. What are all the possible blood groups of
their offsprings?
1. O only
2. A and B only
3. A, B and AB only
4. A, B, AB and O
How do parasympathetic neural signals affect the working of the heart?
1. Reduce both heart rate and cardiac output
2. Heart rate is increased without affecting the cardiac output
3. Both heart rate and cardiac output increase
4. Heart rate decreases but cardiac output increases
Figure shows schematic plan of blood circulation in humans with labels A to D. Identify the label and give its function/s
1. B – Pulmonary artery-takes blood from heart to lungs, PO2 = 90 mm Hg
2. C – Vena Cava-takes blood from body parts to right auricle, PCO2 = 45 mm Hg
3. D – Dorsal aorta-takes blood from heart to body parts, PO2 = 95 mm Hg
4. A – Pulmonary vein-takes impure blood from body parts, PO2
= 60 mm Hg
A person with unknown blood group under ABO system, has suffered much blood loss in an accident and needs immediate blood transfusion. His one friend who has a valid certificate of his own blood type, offers for blood donation without delay. What would have been the type of blood group of the donor friend?
1. Type A
2. Type B
3. Type AB
4. Type O
What is true about RBCs in humans?
1. They do not carry CO2 at all
2. They carry about 20-25 percent of CO2
3. They transport 99.5 percent of O2
4. They transport about 80 percent oxygen only and the rest 20 percent of it is transported in dissolved state
in blood plasma
If due to some injury the chordae tendinae of the tricuspid valve of the human heart is partially non-functional, what will be the immediate effect?
1. The flow of blood into the pulmonary artery will be reduced
2. The flow of blood into the aorta will be slowed down
3. The pacemaker will stop working
4. The blood will tend to flow back into the left atrium
Given below are four statements (a-d) regarding human blood circulatory system:
a). Arteries are thick-walled and have narrow lumen as compared to veins
b). Angina is acute chest pain when the blood circulation to the brain is reduced
c). Persons with blood group AB can donate blood to any person with any blood group under ABO system
d). Calcium ions play a very important role in blood clotting
Which two of the above statements are correct?
1. (a) & (d)
2. (a) & (b)
3. (b) & (c)
4. (c) & (d)
Compared to blood our lymph has :
1. Plasma without proteins
2. More WBCs and no RBCs
3. More RBCs and less WBCs
4. No plasma
The haemoglobin of a human foetus :
1. Has a higher affinity for oxygen than that of an adult
2. Has a lower affinity for oxygen than that of the adult
3. Its affinity for oxygen is the same as that of an adult
4. Has only 2 protein subunits instead of 4
Consider the following statements about biomedical technologies
a. During open heart surgery blood is circulated in the heart-lung machine.
b. Blockage in coronary arteries is removed by angiography.
c. Computerised Axial Tomography (CAT) shows detailed internal structure as seen in a section of body.
d. X-ray provides clear and detailed images or organs like prostate glands and lungs.
Which two of the above statements are correct?
1. a and b
2. b and d
3. c and d
4. a and c
The ‘blue baby’ syndrome results from :
1. Excess of chloride
2. Methaemoglobin
3. Excess of dissolved oxygen
4. Excess of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)
Which of the following layer of heart is related to difference in thickness of different chambers of heart?
1. Outer fibrous coat
2. Epicardium
3. Myocardium
4. Endocardium
Which of the following are in direct contact with the AV valves and prevent these from collapsing back into atria?
1. Chordae tendinae
2. Papillary muscles
3. Columnae carnae
4. Musculi pectinati
Bundle of His is a network of:
1. Muscle fibres distributed throughout the heart walls
2. Muscle fibres found only in the ventricle wall
3. Nerve fibres distributed in ventricles
4. Nerve fibres found throughout the heart
At the end of joint diastole ventricle is:
1. Completely filled by blood
2. Two third filled by blood
3. One third filled by blood
4. Completely empty
To obtain a standard ECG, a patient is connected to the machine with three electrodes attached:
1. One to each wrist and to the left ankle
2. One to each ankle and to the left wrist
3. One to each wrist and to the left chest region
4. One to each ankle and to the left chest reg
When the heart muscles receive insufficient oxygen, it is indicated in the ECG as:
1. Enlarged P-wave
2. Depressed S-T segment
3. Flattened T-wave
4. Both (2) & (3)
Fastest distribution of some injectible material/medicine with no risk of any kind can be achieved by injecting
it into the:
1. Muscles
2. Arteries
3. Veins
4. Lymph vessels
Which vertebrate organ receives only oxygenated blood?
1. Spleen
2. Liver
3. Gill
4. Lung
Which of the following blood vessels bypass are present in the circulatory system before birth?
1. Foramen ovale
2. Fossa ovalis
3. Ductus arteriosus
4. Both (1) and (3)
Isovolumetric systole is duration between:
1. Closure of AV valve and opening of semilunar valve
2. Closure of semilunar valve and opening of AV valve
3. Closure of tricuspid and closure of bicuspid valve
4. Closure of tricuspid and opening of bicuspid valve
A : Portal system consists of veins which start from capillaries and end into capillaries.
R : All vertebrates have hepatic portal system.
1. | Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). |
2. | Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). |
3. | (A) is True but (R) is False. |
4. | Both (A) and (R) are False. |
A : 100 ml of venous blood has 14.4 ml of O2 i.e., it is still 75% saturated with oxygen in normal condition.
R : About 4.6 ml of O2, i.e. 25% diffuses from arterial blood into the tissue during exercise.
A : The resting heart rate, about 75/minutes, usually is lower than the autorhythmic rate of the SA node (90 – 100 beats/minute).
R : At rest condition, the parasympathetic effects dominate.
1. | Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). |
2. | Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). |
3. | (A) is True but (R) is False. |
4. | Both (A) and (R) are False. |
A : Elevated levels of Na+ increases the heart rate and contractility.
R : Elevated Na+ level increase the excitability of SA node.
1. | Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). |
2. | Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). |
3. | (A) is True but (R) is False. |
4. | Both (A) and (R) are False. |